A successful 8th edition of Outdoor Horst!

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Last week was the first edition of Outdoor Horst 2024. Five days of great sport with lots of sunshine, but also lots of rain. Despite the changeable weather, the atmosphere remained as good as ever. The competitors were extremely enthusiastic and look back on a successful event.

Like the previous edition, ClipMyHorse was on hand on Saturday to capture the cross, resulting in stunning drone shots!

On behalf of the organization we would like to thank all participants, officials and of course the indispensable volunteers for their efforts. We look forward to welcoming everyone again at our next edition from May 29 to June 2, 2024. Until then!

Susie Berrry with Wellfields Lincoln placed 3rd in the CCI4*L at Kronenberg, Netherlands

Outdoor Horst will return in 2024!

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After four successful editions in 2023, Outdoor Horst will return in 2024 with three new shows. We start the season in March with a full program that is suitable for everyone. All categories are on the program for pony riders up to CCI4*-L. In June we will continue with the same full program and in October the season will end with the short classes.

Put all the dates in your calendar and we hope to see you all back in Peelbergen in 2024!

A great start of the 2023 season!

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After a year, we were back with 2 weeks Outdoor Horst in a row. With a lot of competitors and good reactions, we look positively back on these editions.

From the CCI-Intro to the CCI4*-L, all classes went by during these editions. The riders were very enthusiastic, as Outdoor Horst was the start of the season for many of them.

We had a lot of sun, but also a lot of rain at our venue Equestrian Centre De Peelbergen/Grandorse. Luckily the ground could handle it really well and our volunteers were diehards.

For the first time, everyone was able to follow the great sport of Outdoor Horst live as the cross-country was broadcasted by ClipMyHorse.

We would like to thank all our competitors, offcials and volunteers to make it to a great show again. We hope to see you all again at the next editions of Outdoor Horst; 31 May โ€“ 4 June and 25-29 October. So save the date! The cross-country of both these editions will be broadcasted as well.

Check our website and Facebook page to keep up-to-date about the latest news of Outdoor Horst.

A great start of the 2023 season!

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After a year, we were back with 2 weeks Outdoor Horst in a row. With a lot of competitors and good reactions, we look positively back on these editions.

From the CCI-Intro to the CCI4*-L, all classes went by during these editions. The riders were very enthusiastic, as Outdoor Horst was the start of the season for many of them.

We had a lot of sun, but also a lot of rain at our venue Equestrian Centre De Peelbergen/Grandorse. Luckily the ground could handle it really well and our volunteers were diehards.

For the first time, everyone was able to follow the great sport of Outdoor Horst live as the cross-country was broadcasted by ClipMyHorse.

We would like to thank all our competitors, offcials and volunteers to make it to a great show again. We hope to see you all again at the next editions of Outdoor Horst; 31 May โ€“ 4 June and 25-29 October. So save the date! The cross-country of both these editions will be broadcasted as well.

Check our website and Facebook page to keep up-to-date about the latest news of Outdoor Horst.

4th Edition Outdoor Horst coming up !!!

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The 4th edition of Outdoor Horst is on the program from 16 to 18 March. Riders from 15 different countries travel to the grounds of Grandorse & Peelbergen Equestrian Center. In addition to the CCI1-intro class, CCI2-S, CCI3-S, the ponies will also enter the field in the CCIP2-S class.

Thursday is all about dressage, Friday dressage & jumping. The excitement  will take place on Saturday during the Cross Country.

Come and support these top athletes on Saturday 18 March! Take a Walk around the beautiful grounds of Grandorse.

Prefer to be more involved in sports? Register as a volunteer info@outdoorhorst.nl

The 5th edition will soon follow from 23 โ€“ 26 March.

Outdoor Horst has a free entrance.

4e Editie Outdoor Horst in aantocht !!!

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Van 16 tot en met 18 maart staat de 4e editie van Outdoor Horst op het programma. Ruiters uit 15 verschillende landen reizen af naar de terreinen van Grandorse & Peelbergen Equestrian center. Naast de klasse CCI1-intro, CCI2-S, CCI3-s zullen ook de ponyโ€™s het terrein betreden in de CCIP2-s klasse.
Donderdag staat in het teken van dressuur, vrijdag dressuur & springen. De ontknoping zal zaterdag tijdens de Cross Country plaats vinden.

Kom zaterdag 18 maart deze topsporters aanmoedigen! Maak een wandeling over de prachtige terreinen van Grandorse.

Liever meer betrokken zijn bij de sport? Meld je aan als vrijwilliger info@outdoorhorst.nl

De 5e editie volgt al snel van 22 โ€“ 26 maart.

Outdoor Horst is gratis toegankelijk

Vier nieuwe edities Outdoor Horst in 2023

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In 2023 staat Outdoor Horst met vier nieuwe data op de kalender. Georganiseerd door Peelbergen Equestrian Centre, biedt Outdoor Horst fantastische faciliteiten voor ruiter en paard. Met meerdere zandbodems en een prachtig bos op de locatie van Grandorse voor het cross parcours.

Wij hopen jullie allemaal te zien bij Peelbergen Equestrian Centre in 2023!

*Next* 16-18 MaartCCIP2*CCI1*-IntroCCI2*-S, CCI3*-S
22-26 MaartCCI2*-S&L, CCI3*-S&L, CCI4*-S&L
31 Mei- 4 JuniCCI1*-Intro, CCI2*-S&L, CCI3*-S&L, CCI4*-S&L
25-29 OktoberCCI1*-Intro, CCI2*-S&L, CCI3*-S&L, CCI4*-S&L

Four editions Outdoor Horst in 2023

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Outdoor Horst will be organized again in 2023 with four new dates on the agenda. Organized by Peelbergen Equestrian Centre, Outdoor Horst has great facilities for rider and horse, with multiple sand arena’s and a beautiful forrest of Grandorse for the cross country.

We hope to see you all back again at Kronenberg in 2023!

The dates for 2023 are as followed:

*Next* 16-18 MarchCCCIP2*CCI1*-IntroCCI2*-S, CCI3*-S
22-26 MarchCCI2*-S&L, CCI3*-S&L, CCI4*-S&L
31 May- 4 JuneCCI1*-Intro, CCI2*-S&L, CCI3*-S&L, CCI4*-S&L
25-29 OctoberCCI1*-Intro, CCI2*-S&L, CCI3*-S&L, CCI4*-S&L

Succesvol en zonnige Oktober editie

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Met een weerbericht waarvan wij alleen maar konden dromen, kan de Outdoor Horst Oktober editite een groot succes genoemd worden.

Meer dan 270 paarden zijn naar Kronenberg gekomen om te genieten van het fijne weer en fantastische faciliteiten van Peelbergen Equestrian Centre.

Alle dagen zaten volledig vol met de beste eventing sport. De cross country op vrijdag en zaterdag was zelf beter als dat wij gehoopt hadden. Fantastische weer en mooie hippische sport maken het helemaal af

Als organisatie bedanken wij alle ruiters die aanwezig waren, maar vooral een groot dank je wel naar alle medewerkers en vrijwilligers. Zij waren er iedere dag van s ‘ochtends vroeg tot s ‘avonds laat om Outdoor Horst mogelijk te maken.

Wij hopen jullie allemaal terug te zien tijdens de volgende editie van Outdoor Horst. Houdt de website en Facebook pagina in de gaten voor het laatste nieuws.

Successful and Sunny October edition

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With weather we could only dream about, The Outdoor Horst October edition was a great success!

More than 270 horses came to Kronenberg to enjoy together with us the nice weather and great facilities of Peelbergen Equestrian Centre.

All the days were completely packed with the best Eventing sport. The Cross Country on Friday and Saturday was even better as we had hoped. Good riding, nice weather and great sport.

We really want to thank all riders for being at our beautiful show, but also a big thanks to all the volunteers! Who have been there all day, helping with all kind of jobs to make the nice eventing sport possible.

We hope to see you all back at the next edition of Outdoor Horst. Check our website, or follow us at Facebook to stay up to date about the latest news.